Saturday, January 12, 2013

Chennai Ahoy!

Ch - en - nai!! 

Yes,  this is where I live as I write type this post today. Many friends shared their views on the city when they came to know that I would be/ am living here. Here are some of the most amazing things people had to say.

  • Being in Chennai is like saja-e-kalapani ( saja: punishment, Kalapani: a colonial era prison in India)
  • In Chennai, its either hot, hotter or hottest (with reference to the climate :P)
  • You will forget Hindi and begin speaking Tamil ( Credits: Stephen from A Solitary Writer. :D )
  • Intolerable humidity
  • Hours without electricity due to frequent power cuts 
  • In Chennai you don't get wet, you only sweat ( big LOL for this!!)
Huh!! So you can very well imagine/understand how skeptical I was about shifting/living here before I actually did ;) All said and done, its almost been 10 days here and believe me when I say, all my friends were TRUE but only partially! 

Now let me quash and put to rest all the myths that people have about this city. So here we go.

  • Saja-e-kalapani: 10 days is too early to comment on this one ;) :P
  • Chennai IS hot. If the winter temperature can go up to 30 degree Centigrade, then image what summers will be like!! I already imagine roasted chicken walking on Chennai roads this summer :D 
  • I never understand the language these auto-rickshaw walas here speak. Somebody said, "Tamil teri maa" and my North-Indian friends almost broke into a fight with him until somebody intervened, "Tamil teri maa means do you know Tamil?" :P  (For all those who din't get the joke here, "teri maa.." is used as a slang in North India. :D )
  • Humidity?? All's well as of now. Living in air-conditioned rooms does have its merits. :)
  • Power cuts are rampant. One has to get accustomed to 2 hours of power cut each day. Also, once every week or month there is power cut for 24 hours at a stretch. :O  Lord have mercy! Lord have mercy!
  • There is a shortage of water in Chennai but nobody I know of has had problems due to this. Most houses store water. The rest can be concluded from views above. :) 
I haven't been to the beaches which Chennai has many. To survive in Chennai one needs friends, and loads of them to have fun together. I have made a few and God is kind. Life has been good so far. Hoping to make the most of the rest of it. 

Much Love. Thanks for reading :)