Monday, May 21, 2012


I have been really mean to this blog of mine, no? Lately I have been behaving like a step-mom; but wait! this blog isn't my step-child. It is duely my own; and first; and will always remain the dearest:)

The elder child is by default the more mature, understanding and compromising of all. More so if the child is a girl. I have always been all these things. Dad confided most of his worries into me. I would get worried hearing of his worries, but never let my expressions show that I was worried. And when I got worried all I did was pray, pray and pray hard for whoever/whatever I was worried about! ( :D )

Then when I had crushes in school I would be extra careful to ensure that nobody at home came to know about them. I don't remembering looking at myself too much in the mirror either. It was towards the end of school that I began caring about my looks ( :D ).

I-dont-know-why Im writing all this nonsense

I remember all the family outings, all the good things that happened to me, all the things we talked about and all the times we spent together..and thats when I start missing home. Four years among not-so-congenial and no-so-familial people is not a joke! I am so proud of myself for never complaining about anything to mom and dad! All I want now is to get back to them and see the family together:)

The mature me talking, eh! :)

P.S. i have been planning something for this blog. I have thought of this: at the end of each day, I will be posting about all the good things I have done in the day. If you happen to read this I would like to request/beg/plead/coax/ask you to join me. Post all the good things you have done in the course of the day on your blog and leave your link as comment below my post for the day.
These little acts of goodness can be anything. It could be something you did to help someone, or to make somebody happy or to make yourself happy...just anyhting that you did and feel happy about.

I believe this will help us all in becoming a better person, spreading happiness and remaining happy ourselves :)

Much love.

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