Tuesday, November 13, 2012

yaaY its souP, possiblY!!

My earliest soup memory goes back to when I was almost five. We had gone out for dinner and mum ordered tomato soup. She said it would work as an appetizer. Everything went fine until the next morning.

Dad and I were standing by the sink brushing our teeth. Suddenly the muscles of my stomach stiffened, the toothbrush stopped in my mouth, I bent over and the next thing I knew the entire sink was full of the tomato soup!  The brick red liquid was dripping down my toothbrush.

Since then I avoid ordering tomato soup at restaurants. J

Written for Theme Thursday

3 and 3
are 2 women, the 2nd itching the 1st one's back!

3 and 3
are lovers, He making up to Her.

3 and 3
are Martha's tiny hairclips, left on the floor.

3 and 3
are twins, happily co-existing.

3 and 3
are a cartoon's ears, lost and found here!

3 and 3
are 6, 9, 8 and 33.

I say 3 and 3
'coz possibilities have no decree!

For Theme Thursday



  1. What a wonderful pairing of 3 and 3, loved it :-)

  2. Hi Sanjana,

    I guess I would not want Tomato Soup from a restaurant after an experience like that, although you could have just been experiencing a bug of some kind. Usually if something is wrong with the actual food then everyone who ate it would feel sick. I really like Tomato Soup so it breaks my heart to find someone who cannot always enjoy it. But Cream of Broccoli is by far my favorite, and put it in a bread bowl and wow, it feels like soup heaven.

    And to see all the possibilities of the 3 and 3 is great, there are a lot of them.

    I hope you enjoy playing with us each week here at Theme Thursday, we enjoy having you.

    God bless.

    1. Hey Mrsupole, Its lovely to join "Theme Thursday" hosted by you! I love the prompts that you post.

      Yea it must have definitely been some bug in my tummy. However the incident spoiled my tomato soup love. Its been a long time since and these days I keep enjoying tomato soup at home :) Would definitely try Cream of Broccoli..thanks :)

  3. Hi again,

    I just wanted to let you know that I have also added your link to this weeks prompt of Possibilities because you did the Soup and Possibilities prompts in one post. I hope that is okay, if not then please let me know and I can remove this one.

    Happy Theme Thursday and have a fantastic weekend.

    God bless.

    1. Oh thanks so much for doing that. I was about to add the link today..good that you did it for me. Its very nice of you to do so..Thanku again :)

  4. That was a beautiful and inspiring poem! :-) It certainly put a skip in my step today.

    Greetings from London.

    1. Thanku very much..im glad :) nice to have you visit..:)

  5. Yuck! It's a shame you had a bad experience because restaurant tomato soup really is yummy. I know what you mean about one incident killing a good thing, though.

