Thursday, December 20, 2012

Dear Faith,

I have gone through a lot in the past few months. Well, Life likes to teach us lessons and I seem to be one of Life’s favorite pupils. J

There have been times when I felt low, when I thought there was nothing left in life to look up to. I appreciate the way you handled me then. Thanks for reminding me each day that “Nothing in life is permanent”, and that “This too shall pass”.

Thanks for proving to me, in your own tiny ways that “Every cloud has a silver lining”. You told me how everything happens for one’s own good. You calmed me when I refused to listen and made me wiser with each passing day.

Remember the day we went for “Life of Pie”?  I felt really good after watching it. I could somehow connect. I felt I was Pie and this phase of life was akin to his journey across the Pacific. I felt happy thinking that in the end, I too would survive.

Pie and I had another thing in common, and that is you! This is when my belief in you grew stronger than ever and I decided to never let you go.

Thanks for being by my side forever, for becoming stronger with each challenge that Life throws at me. You are a man’s best friend, and I shall keep Faith for-ever!

 -Love, me
Linked to: Theme-Thursday  Prompt: Faith
Picture Courtesy: Mrsupole of Theme Thursday











  1. Well said. We must have faith in this world we live in. Blessings.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog at:

    1. Welcome to my blog. Thanks a lot commenting. :)

  2. Candid exhortation of your truth and faith

  3. Beautiful, personal, hopeful. I have not seen the film yet, but I recognize what you are saying about Life of Pi from the book. Someone will be able to take courage from you.

    1. Thankyou ma'am. If you havent watched the movie, I suggest you must. its a visual treat and India looks beautiful in there :)

  4. "This too shall pass" has been my mantra all year.

    It works for me!

    1. Yea Kris, this works for me as well..its a wonderful adage! :) Thnx!

  5.'re one of the strongest persons I've ever known,sweetie! Don't worry,every cloud DOES have a silver lining. Love.

    1. OMG Soumi I am so happy u visisted..Thankuu swthrt! :)

  6. I think you have just about summed up what having Faith can mean to someone. I also like how you have taken different sayings and were able to use them to tell us of your journey of faith. Each of us has our own path of which we must follow but in so many ways our paths can be almost the same. That is why so many of these sayings last through generations. The ones that last always seem to hold a truth in what they say. I hope you will always believe in yourself and that you continue to keep faith in all you choose to do. Remember that sometimes in life we must take detours in order to find the correct path we should follow, and detours are sometimes more interesting then the path we are currently on. Plus every experience should be a learning one to prepare us for what comes next.

    Sorry for being late to visit. I am hoping to get well soon.

    God bless.

    1. I was eagerly waiting for your visit Mrsupole. Thankyou for making it here inspite of your health.

      Thankyou also for taking time to write such a beautiful comment here, I gain encouragement from your work. As a matter of fact my life has been full of detours :) I am relocating to a new city for work and your words come at an opportune time :) I might not be able participate in Theme Thursdays for sometime now. Hope to catch up soon.

      Wish you speedy recovery and good health. Love.

    2. I will truly miss you and hope you will come back when you can. Most of our lives are full of detours, which keeps it interesting. Relocating can be hard at first but eventually you will learn what you need to know about the new city, and when you relocate again, then you will miss this place. Choose your friends wisely, and it is better to have a few good friends then a lot of acquaintances. Good friends will look after you and help you when needed.

      I wish you the best with your relocation and hope you discover many new things. I also will pray that you stay safe and protected. And that you have a lot of fun while you are there to help balance out the work.

      God bless, and may your new journey be blessed with peace, love, and joy.

      PS...Happy New Year!!!

  7. wow what a beautiful piece you wrote :D
    you are indeed strong.
    Stay blessed :D
    And happy new year :)

  8. Interesting and beautiful read indeed! Lovely take on the prompt:)
